Monday, January 25, 2016

My Sons Acceptance

During my husband's illness I was very aware of what my son was dealing with.  I was in constant contact with his teacher, letting her know the drama that unfolded at home and my main focus of his emotional and mental well being.

It was harder to do that when I was drowning in my own emotions after Jeff passed away.

But I reached out to people who could help; his teacher, guidance counselor, and therapists.

When I felt stronger and started crafting a plan to move forward, I knew that getting Zack to accept the move would take some time and it would require a plan of its own.

Living in New Jersey was all he knew ~ the house he grew up in, all of his friends, his supportive school ~ and he adamantly told me in February, "I am Not Moving."

I have interacted with a lot of adults that have emotional baggage that they were lugging around with them and I didn't want to create any more for my son.  His fathers passing was enough.

I felt that he had to buy into our move.  And although he may not totally love the idea, he needed to be accepting of it.

By the end of July, when all our stuff was in the moving van and all of our good-bye's were said, he was ready for the change.

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