Friday, April 22, 2016

Where is God?

After the announcement of the Death of Prince yesterday, his lyrics about the After Life peppered social media.

Reflections are also given to the fact that since the beginning of this year we have witnessed so many famous singers and musicians all passing away before their time. Some have suggested, is God forming a rock band?

According to a survey taken by PEW: 55% of Americans said they think about the meaning of life at least once a week!

When we stop occasionally, and look around at our crazy world and how, at times, it seems to become more negative and fear based, those thoughts have us looking to God for answers, for support and for some sort of confirmation that He knows what's going on.

We Hope that He Has a plan for all this.

Maybe all the craziness and the fact that we are losing loved ones at earlier ages......has us drawing Closer to God for answers?

I was watching the National Geographic channel the other night as they have a series running right now called "The Story of God, with Morgan Freeman." I love Morgan Freeman as an actor and I'm sure most people can name at least one of his 45 movies.  The Bucket List, with Jack Nicholson pops to mind right away. So I was intrigued.

When I looked up this program online the reports say that The Story of God is one of the highest-rated programs in the history of the National Geographic Channel!

And what about our books and movies?

Where faith based movies were only produced by smaller studios and didn't get much attention, now we have big production houses releasing movies like "War Room" and "Miracles From Heaven," which are getting a lot of media attention. 

One book that has topped the Best Seller list in non-fiction since the middle of January, "When Breathe Becomes Air" is a memoir about a doctor with Stage 4 cancer, who ultimately passed away.

Christian Faith books have experienced the most growth at 11.3% between 2009 and 2014.  

People are looking for answers, inspiration and Hope.  What is our purpose here on earth?  

And when our loved ones leave us ~ do we.....go to the "After world.....A world of Never Ending Happiness?" 

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