Monday, March 14, 2016

Inspiration and Messages Abound

If you pay attention and live in the moment you can pick up messages all around you. They could be messages of guidance, providing direction, or just confirmations that you are right where you're supposed to be.

This weekend, playing on the movie channels were Movies of Hope, Stories of people fulfilling their Purpose, defying the odds against them, and fighting through the fear and doubt.

It started Saturday night when the I had taped the Peaceful Warrior.  I wasn't sure what it was about exactly, when I taped it, but it sounded intriguing.  As the movie continued on, the title and the name of the main character sounded familiar. I had heard of a book years before, written by a Dan Millman called the Peaceful Warrior.  Come to find out this movie was made in 2006 about his experience in college as a world champion gymnast.  

Dan had a spiritual encounter, which led him on a 20 year spiritual quest, that he has expressed in a series of 17 books and lectures entitled Peaceful Warrior's Way.

Now I am a movie buff, so I find it interesting that I have never seen this movie before.....but messages sometimes come to us when we are ready to receive them!

The next message was seeing the article in Parade magazine in Sunday's paper entitled 'Do You Believe in Miracles?' Which is about the new movie coming out entitled "Miracles From Heaven." I loved how the article states 80% of Americans Believe in Miracles. And Marianne Williamson states "people know there's more going on in this life than just what the physical eyes can see." 

She also goes on to state, "Obviously people are looking for Hope today because the world is so filled with fear and chaos. But something even deeper.  We are looking for Meaning."

The last two movies, that again I taped, and watched on Sunday, was Blue Crush about a girl surfer who had tremendous talent, but was gripped by fear, and it was holding her back.  Until finally her desire to succeed pushed past her fear, to follow her talent and achieve her goals.

And the last movie was October Sky, which I had seen a long time ago, about Homer Hickman.  He was a 17 year old high school student when he had an idea to create a rocket.  He defies all odd, coming from a coal miners town, ends up winning a National Science Fair and becoming a NASA engineer.

There is greatness inside if we tap into it, allow it to push us and Never Give Up!!  Listen to the signs.

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