Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Widow's Club

I find myself at an interesting juncture in my life.

I'm not married any longer, but I didn't get a divorce? I had plans on being married for the rest of my life.

Jeff said he would love me for the rest of his life.........I thought it would have been longer than this!

An odd predicament ~ single without agreement.

I remember a conversation I had with my Pastor several months after Jeff passed away.  He said that down the road people will look at me.....and Zack, and have no idea what we've gone through.

I realize how true that is more now that we have moved back to Tampa.  As I am meeting new people, they assume I'm married.

The odd thing is, after I state the fact that my husband has passed away........I am encountering more people who are part of the Widow's Club.

This is a club that no one wants to belong to ~ but unfortunately it has a lot of members.

And I seem to have run into more than a few.

All of the people that I meet that are members, are older than me ~ I seem to be the youngest ~ and they all have their own sad story.

I try not to go into mine.  I would rather make a statement and move on.  Rehashing the horror puts a damper on conversations.

But the most interesting part is the Moving On aspect.  After the grief, at some point people move have to.  I get that.

So several of these people, men and women, have started woman got remarried again......and another just stayed single.

What a club to belong to?

The concept of dating today seems so much different than when I was in my early 30's.  I had a different mindset back then.  I also didn't have a little boy to think about.

Starting over on this front..........

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