Friday, July 5, 2013

Women Investing in Women

At the end of last year I could feel and see a change happening.  Which is why the book I wrote for professional women entitled "A Higher Purpose" became relevant.

Now is the time for women to step up and come together to start making changes.

In an article by Harvard Business Review it said that "according to the Kauffman Foundation, venture funds with women on their teams invest in women founders 70% of the time.  The more women investors at the table, the more women run companies are funded, and the pipeline of women run companies grows.  The difference is that women entrepreneurs bring in 20% more revenue with 50% less more invested."

There are now organizations specifically focused on getting more women involved in angel investing.  As the number of women angel investors increases, so should the number of successful women founders.

Then in April 25, 2013, an article appeared in Forbes magazine entitled "Women Angel Investing Reaches All-Time High."  It opens with Angela Lee, a longtime entrepreneur and founder of 37 Angels, an 8 month old Angel Network and initiative to train women to become investors saying "currently only 13% of angel investors in the U.S. are women and I want that number to be 50%.

But Meghan Casserly, a Forbes writer countered Angela's statement in the article by citing that the Center for Venture Research just reported that in 2012 Women Angels represented 21.8% of the Angel market, an impressive leap from the 13% figure used in 2011.

Julie Works, CEO of Womenable says that "increasing the number of women investing will have a direct correlation to an increase in women-led firms and it certainly increases the kind of companies that are funded.  Adding women to the equation certainly broadens the view of whats worth investing in."

I totally agree! Women have a different view of the world and bring a whole diverse set of skills and talents to the table than men do.  Women should be investing more in women.

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