Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Searching For Inspiration

There are days then I find myself searching for inspiration!  I want signs to come across my path reaffirming that I am not walking this journey alone.

When I was on vacation 2 months ago ~ away from my daily life ~ several messages came to me, bringing peace and the assurance that I was being supported from above.

I even had a weird encounter with a Turkey Vulture, flying up off the side of the road and slamming into my car windshield as it tried to fly in front of me.

I had been on my way to meet a friend for lunch and I was so shaken.  Happy I didn't kill it and wondering what that was all about.

Later I pulled up the spiritual meaning for Turkey Vulture and I learned a lot.  What I found is that it is a symbol of soulful cleansing, reaching a higher spiritual place, overcoming obstacles that we may encounter when trying to fly, but then soaring like an eagle when we get off the ground....cleansing the world bit by bit, day by day, offering ourselves in service.

Two months later I pulled the meaning back up again as I saw a whole flock of Turkey Vultures on a walk I took yesterday to clear my head.  In the past I may have seen a few hovering over a dead animal on the side of the road, but yesterday there must have been 20 - 30 of them all grouped together near a pond I walked past.

As I reflected on where my thoughts have been lately -- I acknowledged that I have been trying to shed the emotional baggage of my  past.  I felt like I have been carrying around so much extra weight, a huge bag full of burdens, It was wearing me down to where I almost didn't recognize myself anymore.

So I guess I have been working on cleansing my soul.

I have also been overcoming one obstacle after another to achieve my goals, and that has been very tiring!

I pray that my next phase has me taking flight and soaring like an eagle........when I finally get off the ground.

Living in a world that can be so challenging, by searching for inspiration, sometimes it can be found in nature.

Go out and take a walk and see what comes across your path. 

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